EN 393 / EN ISO 12402-5: 50N BUOYANCY AIDS

Have a buoyancy of no less than 50 Newton for the average adult. This level is intended for use by those who are competent swimmers and who are near to bank or shore, or who have help and a means of rescue close at hand. These garments have minimal bulk, but they are of limited use in disturbed water, and cannot be expected to keep the user safe for a long period of time. They do not have sufficient buoyancy to protect people who are unable to help themselves. They require active participation by the user.

EN 395 / EN ISO 12402-4: 100N LIFE JACKETS

Have buoyancy of no less than 100 Newton for the average adult. This level is intended for those who may have to wait for rescue, but are likely to do so in sheltered water. The device should not be used in rough conditions.

EN 396 / EN ISO 12402-3: 150N LIFE JACKETS

Have buoyancy of no less than 150 Newton for the average adult. This level is intended for general application or for use with foul weather clothing.

EN 399 / EN ISO 12402-2: 275N LIFE JACKETS

Have buoyancy of no less than 275 Newton for the average adult. This level of lifejacket is intended primarily for offshore use under extreme conditions. It is also of value to those who are wearing clothing which traps air or loads such as tool belts which may adversely affect the self-righting capacity of the lifejacket.


The IMO (International Maritime Organisation) governs the Convention of Safety Of Life at Sea – SOLAS. This Convention requires that SOLAS requirements are met for all life-saving equipment carried and used on board all ships on international voyages including passenger ships and cargo ships of 500 gross tonnes or more. This includes lifejackets, abandonment suits and immersion suits. Recognition that the equipment fully complies with the requirements of the MED – Marine Equipment Directive – will be denoted by a ‘Ships Steering Wheel’ mark which must be on all equipment sold to European Community Ships of 500 tons or more in size.

EN 343

Protective clothing against rain, wind and temperature range of -5°C and above.

Performance parameters:
• x: waterproofness (3 levels)
• y: breathing properties (3 levels)